UNDER CONSTRUCTION, 600+ Aroids will be listed shortly.

The Violet 4 – Rooting Vessel

Block "pot-short-des-heading-1" not found

Brilliant purple in the sunlight, the adorable little vessel can hold petite flowers and cuttings. It’s ideally suited for rooting dracaena stems as well as also serving as a jewelry holding device by the kitchen sink. Arrange in multiples on a windowsill or shelf for an eye-catching display.

Block "pot-short-des-glass" not found

Block "pot-short-des" not found

Block "pot-short-des-heading-2" not found

  • Height/ Width: 4″/ 1.75″
  • Material: Glass
  • Includes: 1 Container
  • Ships By: UPS
  • Top/ Bottom Inside: 1.5″/ 1″
  • Texture: Smooth
  • Color: Violet
  • Shipping Rate: See Below

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SKU: z-3-27_UC-U9169V Categories: , Tag: