UNDER CONSTRUCTION, 600+ Aroids will be listed shortly.

The Bud 6 – Rooting Vessel

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How great to be of a smaller stature where you can illuminate the smaller areas of your home or workspace with fresh garden cuttings, similar to the Tricolor Hibiscus Mahoe we placed so sweetly in the vessel. The Bud 6 has the perfect lack of color to go with any plant, in any room. We love this rooting vessel for its sheer simplicity.

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Block "pot-short-des" not found

Block "pot-short-des-heading-2" not found

  • Height/ Width: 6″/ 1.75″
  • Material: Glass
  • Includes: 1 Container
  • Ships By: UPS
  • Top/ Bottom Inside: 1.5″/ 1″
  • Texture: Smooth
  • Color: Clear
  • Shipping Rate: See Below

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SKU: z-3-24_UC-U9168 Categories: , Tag: